pharmacist at work

Deciding what kind of degree or career you want to have can be challenging. Perhaps your skills or interests align with a career in pharmacy, but you’re unsure if it’s something you’ll actually enjoy.

If you’ve been asking yourself, “should I be a pharmacist?”, there are a few simple questions that can help you get a better idea of whether or not pharmacy is a good career fit for you.

Do you want to work with the public, or would you prefer a job behind the scenes?

You might be surprised to hear that the primary role of a pharmacist isn’t always just filling prescriptions. While it’s certainly a key element of the job for community pharmacists who work in retail drug stores and independently owned pharmacies, not all pharmacists even dispense medication. 

There are so many things you can do with a pharmacy degree, from developing new drug formulas or working with insurance companies to offering medical guidance and dispensing medication. 

Whether you want to work directly with patients or behind the scenes, there’s plenty of variety in job roles for Pharm.D. holders.

Do you enjoy learning new things and staying up to date with new medical and scientific discoveries?

No matter what career you choose, there will always be more to learn. This is especially true for pharmacists.

In order to maintain their licensure, pharmacists must meet mandatory state requirements for Continuing Education credits. This ensures pharmacists stay up-to-date about new treatment guidelines and medications approved for treatment.

Do you want a job that requires you to work a standard 9-5 workday?

Many pharmacists have a non-traditional workday that allows them to maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

Because pharmacists are needed all over the country in a wide variety of roles, it’s possible to find a position with hours that work with your schedule. Whether you want to work a standard day shift, a night shift, only on weekends or any other combination, there is a lot of flexibility in pharmacist work schedules. 

Depending on the type of pharmacy work you do, there’s even options for remote work — like remote verification for mail-order pharmacies, or providing virtual inpatient services for community hospitals.

Do you want to help patients and communities get well?

Pharmacists are an important part of their community. As the most accessible healthcare professionals, pharmacists play an important role in patients’ health outcomes. 

Pharmacists can have a major impact on medication adherence and compliance by making themselves available to patients for consultation and medication guidance. Helping patients understand their medication and take it as prescribed can reduce hospitalizations, disease progression and co-morbidities.

Start your journey toward a pharmacy career at NEOMED

If reading through the situations above made you excited about a career in pharmacy, The College of Pharmacy at NEOMED can help you realize your dream. You can discover more about the benefits of being a pharmacist and loan forgiveness opportunities for pharmacists to learn more about why pharmacy is a great career choice. 

Whether you’re just starting to explore the industry, looking for opportunities to dip your toes into the water, or you’re ready to start applying, we are here to help you on your journey. Get in touch with our admissions team to discuss your options today!


Learn more about pharmacy school at NEOMED in our guide, Begin Your Future in Pharmacy. This resource will help you better understand the role of a pharmacist, and how NEOMED can prepare you for a successful career. 

Download the Guide




About the author

Kelly Tomory

Assistant Director of Admission