Momi & Colleagues

Momi Talukdar wasn't sure she would be able to finish a four-year Pharm.D. program,  but reassurance from friends and family led her to the College of Pharmacy at NEOMED. After her first year of pharmacy school, she's immunization certified, reaching her goals and thinking about her future as a pharmacist. Read on to hear more from Momi about life in the Pharm.D. program at NEOMED. 

Learn whether or not you are ready for pharmacy school by reading our guide, No  Bachelor's? No Problem! How to Become a Pharmacist.


104457569_10163906310675061_7067214123258004653_n (2)1. Tell me a little about yourself. Where are you from? Where and what did you study during your undergraduate years? What initially got you interested in pharmacy?

My name is Momi and I just finished my first year of pharmacy school. My hometown is Cincinnati, Ohio. I completed my undergrad at University of Cincinnati (go Bearcats!) with a Bachelors of Science in Biology. Afterwards, I pursued my Masters of Science in Biomedical Professions from Lincoln Memorial University and my Certificate of Nuclear Medicine Technology from Mayo Clinic. My initial interest in pharmacy started during my radiopharmacy rotation as a nuclear medicine student at Mayo Clinic. The radiopharmacist, Dr. Andrew Paulsen, encouraged me to go to pharmacy school.

2. Did you encounter any hesitations, obstacles or fears about pursuing a Pharm.D.?

There were many hesitations and fears about pursuing a Pharm.D. I thought I wasn’t good enough and being an older student, I doubted my abilities to finish a doctoral, four-year program. But reassurance from my mentors, friends and family motivated me to pursue my Pharm.D.

3. Why did you choose the pharmacy program at NEOMED? Now that you’ve experienced the program, what’s your favorite part about it?

I chose NEOMED because of its endless opportunities. You can be whatever your heart desires here and know that administration will support you every step of the way. My favorite part about NEOMED is the faculty and administration and how incredibly positive and encouraging they are towards reaching your professional and academic goals.

4. What resources do you feel set NEOMED apart from other Pharm.D. programs?

One of the many valuable resources at NEOMED is its plethora of rotations. Having come from a nuclear background, I was seeking a program that had a nuclear pharmacy rotation. Having interviewed at other Pharm.D. programs, NEOMED had the most positive response when asked about nuclear pharmacy options. Another valuable resource NEOMED has is its proximity and relationship with Cleveland Clinic. Cleveland Clinic is ranked highly among all the other hospitals in the nation. Along with Cleveland Clinic, NEOMED has many long standing, solid relationships with many other hospitals in the area as well as community.

5. What achievement, project, or experience are you most proud of from your years in pharmacy school?

From my first year of pharmacy school, I’m incredibly proud to be immunization certified. After my certification, I was able to administer hundreds of COVID vaccines. I felt a sense of accomplishment as I made a difference in the world.

6. What are your career dreams or plans? How has the Pharm.D. program at NEOMED helped prepare you for your future?

Initially, before coming to NEOMED, I wanted to be a radiopharmacist. But the deeper I dive into the world of pharmacy, I find myself falling in love with many other aspects of pharmacy. Whatever role I land as a pharmacist at graduation, I definitely would like to give back and become shared faculty at NEOMED. I see myself teaching and inspiring future generations of pharmacists.

7. Is there anything else you’d like to add? Any advice or wisdom you would pass along to a prospective student?

Be the best version of yourself. There are some days where you might not want to do your daily tasks and take the day off. No matter the circumstances, show up. Showing up is half the battle, the rest just follows along. But by being the best version of yourself, you challenge yourself as well as grow as an individual.

Start Your Career in Pharmacy at NEOMED — Connect With Us Today!

Is pharmacy school your calling? Take Momi's advice: be the best version of yourself and starting reaching toward your goals! If you need help figuring out if you're ready to apply, we invite you to schedule an admissions information session with us. In order to do so, contact  the College of Pharmacy at or schedule a meeting. Best of luck!


Want to learn more about what's required to apply for pharmacy school? Download our resource, "No Bachelor's? No Problem! How to Become a Pharmacist in 2021".

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About the author

Kelly Tomory

Assistant Director of Admission