Megan Castelli

Megan Castelli chose to earn a bachelor's degree in Biochemistry before pursuing her Pharm.D. — even though you don't need a bachelor's degree to go to pharmacy school at NEOMED. She used that time to explore her interests and career options and discovered Pharmacy. She admits she was afraid starting another four years of school would make her feel burnt out, but she found that following her passions was more energizing than she imagined. Now, she's looking forward to ways she can improve patient care as a part of an interprofessional care team!

Keep reading to hear more about Megan's experience as a Pharm.D. student at NEOMED.

1. Where are you from? Where and what did you study during your undergraduate years? What initially got you interested in pharmacy?

My name is Megan Castelli and I am from Hartville, Ohio. Prior to starting my education at NEOMED, I obtained a bachelors in Biochemistry at the University of Mount Union. Throughout my time at Mount Union, I shadowed various health professionals including physicians, physician assistants, physical therapists, and pharmacists. I enjoyed the interactions that the pharmacists had with their patients and saw first hand the impact they made on their community. This led me to pursue that career at NEOMED.

2. Did you encounter any hesitations, obstacles or fears about pursuing a Pharm.D.?

Absolutely. I was concerned about the financial aspects of pursuing my Pharm.D. The office of financial aid helped alleviate these fears for me and provided me information on scholarships, grants, and other opportunities to support my education. Additionally, I was initially concerned about starting another four years of education and getting burnt out quickly. However, once I started at NEOMED I realized that learning things you are passionate about makes the education worth the time and effort.

Why did you choose the pharmacy program at NEOMED? Now that you’ve experienced the program, what’s your favorite part about it?

The major thing that drew me to NEOMED was their focus on interprofessional education. A severe disadvantage in the medical field is the lack of communication, respect, and interaction between professions. Patient care will greatly benefit from interprofessional teams working together regarding each patient. NEOMED’s focus on interprofessional education was a major attraction for me.

4. What resources do you feel set NEOMED apart from other Pharm.D. programs?

When I visited NEOMED, I felt that the university had a much more personal touch compared with other universities. I felt that each employee and professor I met cared about my education and my future and that I was important to their program.

5. What achievement, project, or experience are you most proud of from your years in pharmacy school?

I recently finished my first year in pharmacy school. Throughout this experience, I am proud of my Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE), where I have formed professional relationships with other pharmacists from various sites and gained valuable experience.

6. What are your career dreams or plans? How has the Pharm.D. program at NEOMED helped prepare you for your future?

Currently, I plan on pursuing a residency in pediatric or critical care pharmacy following graduation. NEOMED has prepared me for this even in my first year through my IPPE experiences, informative lectures, and recommendations. NEOMED has also given me insight on the importance of pharmacy specialties and the enhanced patient care they offer through their extra training and knowledge.

7. Is there anything else you’d like to add? Any advice or wisdom you would pass along to a prospective student?

I would recommend that all students entering pharmacy school join extracurricular activities. Many students starting pharmacy school avoid these activities in their first year in fear of being overwhelmed with course work and rotations. However, I found that joining some organizations gave me some initial context and insight on what I would like to do following graduation. Additionally, these organizations helped me meet other pharmacy students in various places throughout their education that were always eager to offer advice and encouragement.

Ready to follow your passions to a future in Pharmacy at NEOMED?

Whatever obstacles or challenges you're facing in the pursuit of your future as a Pharmacist the caring and supporting team at NEOMED can help you take the next step. Learn more about pre-requisites, financial aid and degree paths at NEOMED in our educational guide!



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About the author

Kelly Tomory

Assistant Director of Admission