
The College of Pharmacy had a fantastic time at the 2019 American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Midyear Clinical Meeting in December! Midyear was held in Las Vegas, Nevada and is attended by more than 25,000 pharmacy professionals from all over the globe. It is the largest gathering of pharmacists in the world.

Over 20 of our pharmacy students presented posters at the meeting:

  • Samiyah Bhatti: Validating the use of aztreonam in patients with a documented penicillin and/or cephaphalosporin allergy at a rural community hospital
  • Ashley Fick: Impact of removing the default dispensing status of electronic insulin orders on inappropriate insulin pen re-dispenses
  • Timothy Hogan: Optimization of oral syringe dispensing and delivery at a pediatric hospital
  • Nathan Homan: Medication use evaluation of the treatment of hyperkalemia in the emergency department
  • Sai Karwande: Evaluation of medication waste in cardiac catheterization labs at Summa Health
  • Kevin King: Time-to-administration of first-dose premix intravenous antibiotics between centralized and decentralized storage models in the medical and surgical intensive care units.
  • Alexander Knoer: Cost-benefit analysis of bulk drug purchase and repackaging vs unit-dose purchasing
  • Shaye Laubert: Evaluating the impact of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists on metabolic changes in patients with type 2 diabetes on high-dose insulin
  • Mackenzie Lloyd: Primary care pharmacists’ population health efforts: evaluating patient selection criteria
  • Erica McCoy: Optimizing medication inventory in a community hospital setting to reduce tablet splitting events
  • Colleen Miller: Tacrolimus levels and incidence of nephrotoxicity in a pediatric population
  • Bethany Misko: Financial literacy among pharmacy students – a growing need
  • Patrick Nguyen: Medications Use Evaluation of Diabetic Ketoacidosis Treatment/Protocol in the Emergency Department
  • Saemyi Pak: Stroke-like symptoms in early disease of cryptococcal meningitis
  • Anthony Pesce: Medication use evaluation of heparin protocols throughout a community teaching hospital in Ohio
  • Allison Poston: Evaluation of point-of-care INR results compared with venipuncture INR results in patients enrolled at Summa Anticoagulation Management Service (SAMS)
  • Kerri Row: Incidence and implication of concomitant gastrointestinal medication use in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia treated with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor
  • Danielle Shively: Comparing patient satisfaction in a bedside medication delivery program implemented in an acute physical rehabilitation hospital
  • Shivali Singh: Analysis of expressed public opinion related to the use of high-dose opioid analgesics as stratified by modality of response and profile of responder
  • Lily Truong: Case of fluoroquinolone-induced bilateral tendonitis in the adductor longus muscles
  • Jessica Uhl: Assessment of burnout in a pharmacy student cohort enrolled in the Northeast Ohio Medical University’s College of Pharmacy program
  • Andrea Utley: Evaluation of vitamin K practices in patients admitted to Akron City Hospital
  • Anthony Wasielewski: Retrospective analysis of supratherapeutic vancomycin troughs: a quality improvement assessment



About the author

Kelly Tomory

Assistant Director of Admission