Class of 2020 Residency Placement
Written by James Barrett
November 17, 2020

Interest in postgraduate residency training continues to grow among the NEOMED College of Pharmacy students! In 2020, 32 pharmacy students successfully obtained a residency position in the ASHP Residency Matching Program. This is the highest number of students in the NEOMED College of Pharmacy history! Since the first graduating College of Pharmacy class in 2011, a total of 200 NEOMED students have obtained a postgraduate year one (PGY1) residency position in the match.
NEOMED students obtained a match rate of 78% in 2020, exceeding both the national and Ohio average match rates of 63% and 74%, respectively. “The Class of 2020’s Match Day results are among the highest placement rates in the history of the College,” said Seth P. Brownlee, Pharm.D., BCCCP, senior associate dean of program quality and student success. “It continues to add to the legacy of excellence established by previous graduates and shows how our students continue to excel in a very competitive environment.” The majority of the pharmacy students (81%) decided to pursue residency training in Northeast Ohio.
Seven NEOMED College of Pharmacy alumni (from the Class of 2018 and 2019) pursued specialized postgraduate year two (PGY2) training programs in 2020. These alumni had a 100% success rate, placing in programs for critical care, emergency medicine, psychiatry, and pharmacy informatics. A total of 48 NEOMED College of Pharmacy alumni have participated in PGY2 residency training from 2011 to 2020.
About Northeast Ohio Medical University
For more than 40 years, Northeast Ohio Medical University has worked in collaboration with its educational, clinical and research partners to successfully train health professionals and medical researchers who serve and impact the region and beyond. The University trains students in a team-based, interprofessional environment and offers Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) and Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degrees, as well as master’s and doctoral degrees and research opportunities in other medical areas. In addition to research conducted within its colleges, NEOMED advances innovation and research in health care through six research focus areas. Visit
About the author
James Barrett
Sr. Executive Director of Strategic Enrollment Initiatives